Saturday, July 26, 2008

Life's Been a Whirlwind

No pictures and not much to say, except that obviously my lady has really been busy. You see, she's my secretary and without her I can't blog. Within the last two weeks she's been to Mississippi, Tybee Island, and work. So blogging might not happen too much now that school's beginning again. Please keep checking with me, though. I'll try to blog as often as I can.

In the meantime, I wanted to share this picture.
This is Bonnie. She's a beautiful and curious Bishon Frisee' (did I spell that right?). She is what I fondly refer to as a "fru-fru" doggy. I, quite obviously, am not a fru-fru doggy. Anyway, Bonnie blongs to my lady's mom and dad. Bonnie came to see me this past Monday. Her lady and man were on their way home from a trip and couldn't get into town in time to pick Bonnie up at the vet. So my lady and man picked her up and brought her to my house. While I didn't play with her (I never play with other dogs), I didn't be mean to her either. She spent her time snooping around the house. The only thing she did that I didn't like at all was jump up on my couch and get my man to pet her and rub her belly. She didn't stay long, though.
Hope to blog with you again soon.


Meagan said...

Too cute, as always! Tuffy's posts always make me laugh!

Sarah said...

How sweet. I'm glad Tuffy was't traumatized. Did Bonnie mind staying at your house for a while? Glad Granma and Granpa got to travel some. Did they go to the reunion this year, or was that where they had been on this trip? Its the right time of year for that isn't it.

Sarah said...

tag your it
see my blog to get the details