Saturday, April 26, 2008

Having Company

We had company last week! I was very surprised. The day started off like every Saturday. I woke up, took my medicine, and laid around in bed until the medicine started to work. When it did, I pottied, snuggled in the big bed with my people, had a little breakfast, and went off to the groomer (I go every Saturday - her name is Bernie - she loves me more than any other doggy in her business). Anyway, later that afternoon my man picked me up and took me home. I knew the instant I got out of the van that something was wrong and someone strange had been around my territory. I could smell it, er, them. Then, when I went into the house, oh my God! It was like an invasion. There were two of them!!! They had been drinking from my water bowl! My food bowl was no where to be found! The near ultimate insult: one of them had been in my bed!!!!! The ultimate insult: they'd been on my people!!!! I'm telling you, a dog can't even go get a bath without things going wacky while he's gone!
Here is a picture of these two visitors. Obviously, they are not Yorkies. They have no fur! Can you believe it? Perhaps the worst part was my lady liked them and played with them and held them. They ran here; they ran there; they were everywhere seemingly all at once. The one on the left is called Paris and the one on the right is called Carly. Their home is in Montana, but not really. They really live in an 18 wheeler truck. I can't imagine a worse place to live because I hate traveling, even a short distance. Well, they spent the night, and left the next day. Whew! My world back to normal once again.


Sarah said...

Thats a great picture of the girls. They had such a good time in Tuffy's kingdom. I'm sorry he didn't enjoy it as much as they did.
By the way, I like the addition of music. I think you should add "Who Let the Dogs Out" in honor of all Tuffy's escape attempts.

Meagan said...

I love the additions of background, music, and profile to Tuffy's blog!

Glad to see the girls enjoyed their trip and that Tuffy's world returned to normal after their departure! :-)