Hello. Hey, my lady, I've got a good idea. Could you spare me a minute?
Personally, I think her "issues" have seriously clouded her judgement. I mean, I've been living here my entire life and never, NEVER, have we allowed dogs in our house. Now, not only have dogs been here to visit on a number of occasions (more on that later), but for some crazy reason I'll never be able to wrap my mind around, my lady did the unpardonable! She . . . . . . adopted . . . . . . . a . . . . . . I can hardly bring myself to say it . . . . . D O G ! ! ! And my man? OMG!!!! He didn't do a dad-blame thing about it!!!!!!!!!
Here it is:
Please don't let the picture deceive you: it's eyes are not green or yellow (though it's evil enough so that they should be!). It's eyes are just plain brown. Not even a deep, rich blackish brown like mine. Just brown. She calls it "Toebeee." What a stupid name. But then it is a dog, after all. It's big. Twice as big as me. It weighed 15 pounds (I heard her say) when it came here to live. Let me tell you, that dog is a pig! It empties my, yes, you read right, MY food bowl at least once a day. It won't even eat out of it's own food bowl, but it snarls and snaps and knocks me down if I even try to go into what is now it's room. I don't know how that decision got made. I certainly was NOT asked my opinion or permission to GIVE a DOG an entire ROOM out of my domain. And besides, a person will do anything when he needs water and the only water available is IN THE DOG'S BOWL!!!!! Yes, you will, too, if you get thirsty enough.
And let me tell you, it THINKS it owns the place! Evidence:
On to more positive thoughts, and more focused on me. In the almost three years that I haven't blogged, not much has changed for me. I'm a little older, a little more silver, a llittle more, shall we say, particular about things. Three years ago I was plagued with some horrible and painful joint issues. Those have been resolved and my joints feel great! Now my mouth, that's another issue. For some strange reason, my gums hurt, especially in front. And for some strange reason, every now and then my lady thinks she's got to "clean my teeth" from where I've groomed. I guess a little hair gets caught in there from time to time, but geeze, what does she expect? I'm covered with the stuff. Anyway, can't say that my gums are that big of a problem to me. Now the teeth coming out occasionally, that's a problem. Can't play ball like I used to, but don't really want to anyway. I leave that kind of stuff to . . . THE DOG.
My and my man? Still very tight. We're a team. It's us against THE DOG. Never, and I mean NEVER will the dog be allowed to sit in my man's lap. That is sacred territory. Mine only. Even when the dog is dumb enough to try, my man doesn't let it happen.
So, good to be back blogging. Hope you'll stay in touch by reading my blog occasionally. All in all, I have to say, life is still good. Except for, did I mention? We got a dog . . .
Tuffy! So glad to have you back in the blogging world! The girls were so excited when I told them you were blogging again! I see it took quite a bit of effort to peal your ladies eyes away from her farming, but it was worth the work. Shoot, the pics of you peaking around the computer screen were enough to make it worth the effort!
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