Monday, June 9, 2008

The Big Splash

Yesterday was such an incredibly hot day, but I love, love, love to go outside in the sunshine even when it is so hot. So imagine my excitement when my man said, "I'm going out to check on the pool and I'm taking Tuffy with me." !!!!!!! My man and my lady worked for quite a while Sunday morning opening up that pool. I've been out there many times. It's one of my favorite places to explore and squirt around. Sometimes I find a lizard to chase; sometimes a frog will jump out from under the plantings; of course the chipmunks go out there and they're fast! quite a challenge. Anyway, they uncovered the pool and worked out there for a long time. Then they came in, cleaned up and the day continued as usual. I love Sundays! My people stay home with me all day long on Sundays. To get to go out to the pool was an extra treat. So, my man was checking on things at the pool and I was snooping around the edges (I love to walk on edges of thing: couch backs, porch edges, tops of stairs, pools). I just don't understand what happened! One instant I was walking along the edge of the pool enjoying all the smells, and the next instant: SPLASH!!!!

Brrrrrr! That water was cold! Well, I did what any doggy would do! I swam! I held my head above the water and dog-paddled for my life! I didn't swim long before my man pulled me out of the pool (by the leash around my neck - Ouch!! and Gag!!). After he made sure I was o.k. (of course I was o.k. I know how to swim!!), we went to the house. But when we got there, my man wouldn't let me go in because I was soaking wet. Then, things went from bad to worse: my lady heard us and opened the door for me to come in. When she saw me she exclaimed, "What happened to you?!" Then she got a towel and tried to dry me off. I growled at her because I hate getting dried off. Then we went to sit on the back porch (under the new fan :) ) and my people sipped on Pina Coladas until I got dry enough to be in the air-conditioned house.

And that's the story of the big splash. I don't think I'll be hanging around the pool any more. Even though I'm a good swimmer, I really didn't like it much.


Sarah said...

I think water therapy is supposed to be good for things like arthritis, but I'm not sure this is the kind your needing. I think this is the kind that causes you to need therapy. Sorry you got dunked Tuffy and hope the trauma has settled. The pool looks great though!

Meagan said...

Priceless! I am SO glad the pool is open! You better bet I'll be laying beside it later this week! And save some Pina Coladas for me!